Thursday, May 2, 2013

Skills and Obstacles

 In this class I have learned many skills. Writing a thesis was by far the
hardest thing to learn. Properly citing was another obstacle I am still learning. 
These two skills, I am sure I will be using in future classes. Especially citations,
and preventing plagiarism. Along with skills came interesting reading material.
I have never read these types of literary material. It was an eye opener to say the 

least. Even though these books were interesting, and different, a sense of 
frustration overwhelmed more often than not.  My overall outcomes for the class 
have been less than satisfactory. I guess my self perception looks brighter than
others at times. I learned to take it with a grain of salt. I felt my structure of 
my work improved a little, the detail of my writing was there. I offered 
color to my writing. Or at least I felt that I did. Essay two I took my time,
 days in fact, and the improvements such as structure and my thesis. My grade 
said otherwise. Even towards the end, I have made many strides, I felt I have 
overcome allot of the obstacles presented, and in truth still learning how to cite properly,but with that I have grown from this class. My grades have shown no improvement, and most likely I will be able to have the privilege of reliving this 
enchanting class once again. I want to thank my peers for their constructive 
criticism. I wish you all the luck!


Picture Reference:

Sunday, April 28, 2013


How is online learning different than in person learning?
For me it is work at your own pace, which makes it wonderful if you have kids. 
It is to use technology every step of the way to complete assignments.  This
helps save time, by letting me avoid writing every thing out when your in a 
class setting. overall online classes and technology are beneficial and convenient
when working towards a degree. The in class setting has it perks. The one on one
attention and help you get from your instructor, you can ask question immediately
after being shown a skill. Although, classes last for hours, and the drive time takes 
away from the home life. For me, the online class suites my needs, schedule, and
overall learning aspect. I can see me taking classes online in the near future. 

Picture reference:

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Process of Revision/ Frustration

Starting my essay on my, White Noise,  essay, I find myself constantly changing words
 or the structure of my sentence, or even the paragraph. It seems like it is a constant revision. 
I always look for improvements. I met with a Mr. Alan Clement, who helped revise my essay. 
He seemed to always on the urge to better the paper by proper terms. It added flavor.
 I couldn't help but feel that my paper could use more improvement. But, at last I felt
 my paper was where it should be. Revision is something that should be done constantly,
 this can only help the paper on its clarity. For me, it was a struggle, a new
challenge, and over all exhausting. I hope I did well enough to achieve my goal. 
Such anxiety and frustration!

Picture reference:,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45512109,d.cGE&biw=1360&bih=603&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Thesis for, "White Noise"

Don DeLillo the author of, “White Noise” writes a contemporary American fiction,which
focuses on the life of Jack Gladney. Jack is a professor of Hitler studies at a liberal arts
college in Middle America. Gladney and his colleagues which include; New York expatriates,
immerse themselves in “American magic and dread.” Beside his professional aspect of life,
Jack shares his life with his fourth wife,Babbette, and their four children from previous marriages.
Jack and Babbette are bound by their passion and love for one another, also as sharing the 
fear of death. This modern day family goes through a rocky life,with common babbling of 
brand-name consumerism. Later a black toxic cloud floats over their lives, which was caused
by an industrial accident. Jack who is exposed, for a moment, faces death. He is still unwilling
to face it directly, but he continues to seek meaning and connections in his life.
Jack Gladney's fear and his life existence is tested when his wife explains of an arrangementshe has with Willie Mink's. His life changes when he plans his revenge
for his love when he sets out for blood, from the man Babbette calls, Mr. Grey.
The assumption of Mr. and Mrs. Gladney's always possessing the fear of death
is a common misconception. While people recognize the overarching fear of death, few
attempt to elucidate where it stems from. The Galdney Family, living in a fractured portrait
of postmodern family life, is actually where the very nature of their fear originates.


Picture Reference:

NOTES: Im focusing on Option 4, Number 5: jack Gladney's confrontation with Mr. Grey.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Summarizing "White Noise"

Don DeLillo the author of, “White Noise” writes a contemporary American fiction,which
 focuses on the life of Jack Gladney. Jack is a professor of Hitler studies at a liberal arts
 college in Middle America. Gladney and his colleagues which include; New York expatriates,
 immerse themselves in “American magic and dread.” Beside his professional aspect of life,
 Jack shares his life with his fourth wife,Babbette, and their four children from previous marriages.
 Jack and Babbette are bound by their passion and love for one another, also as sharing the 
fear of death. This modern day family goes through a rocky life,with common babbling of 
brand-name consumerism. Later a black toxic cloud floats over their lives, which was caused
 by an industrial accident. “White Noise” is resembled by the menacing cloud swallowing 
the Gladney family. This cloud merges into transmissions, sirens, microwaves, and ultrasound 
appliances holding life, and the danger of death.Tom Leclair, a teacher at the University of
Cincinnati and the author of, “ In the Loop and the Art of Excess,” paints a better perspective
 of, “White Noise.” Leclair describes the title of “White Noise,” as “air travel,” (388).
 He continues by summarizing the story. This tale is based on “a middle-aged father who 
seeks refuge from the largeness of things- the complexities of information and communication
 that surrounds him-- in marriage and children” (388). Leclair explains that consumerism and 
idolize and symbolizes by the supermarket. He continues, by explaining the toxic cloud that 
devours the Gladney family. After jack Gladney is exposed to the toxic cloud, he later goes
 to the town of Iron. Leclair says, “ second half he returns to Iron city in quest of a drug that 
would let him evade his fear of death” (390). This sentences in detail states that Jack is trying
to put off death. The fear is that strong where he would leave Blacksmith only to find a cure
 for his exposure. This deepen American tragedy is expressed heart felt both by Don DeLillo 
and Tom Leclair summarized criticism. 

References: Don DeLillo, author of "White Noise" Page, 389. Tom LeClair author of, " Closing the Loop: White Noise.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"White Noise" ~ Don DonLillo


Don DeLillo, the author of, "White Noise" has amazing detail in the picture he paint's. 
This poem that I have written, is a reflection of his love, passion, and concern for death.
This has been my first attempt to write a poem. 

  Although I am not a fan of poetry, I can appreciate the heart felt meaning and creativity behind it.   Hope you enjoy this piece. 

I am cloaked in full whiteness.
I am in comfort;I am in peace.
Unwrap me from this white linen shroud, and clothe me with leaves of jasmine and lilies.
Place me in your loving arms... a thought crosses me...
Who will die first?

It reaches out to us with open arms.
A silent friend whispering in the wind trying to embrace us.
Who will die first?

I can hear naught but the music of eternity.
So talk not of my departure with sadness in your heart,
for love was our bond.

Who will die first...  Who will die first?

 I will...

Picture Reference:
This picture reminded me of white noise. So much beauty around him. Love, and passion for
life and his family. Also it symbolizes a fair-well gift after death.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Dear Mrs. Cline

Letter Writing

Dear Mrs.. Cline,
             English 102 has been an eye-opener. Many challenges have come my way through these
past writing assignments. One major obstacle (I still need to overcome), is writing an argument. I
seem to convert back to my comfort zone, which is summarizing. The reading material's you have
chosen have been extremely interesting. I was unaware of satire articles, until I took this class.
Analysis is very different from biographies, summaries, and fictional writing assignments that I am
use to. This has opened my eyes to a new writing technique. At time's, I find it frustrating . It is
hard to redirect, what I consider, my normal style of writing. The papers I tend to write is based
on fact,and not so much on opinion. Analysis seems to be just that. It is an argument, which is
based from one's opinion.  I feel I have made it this far. That has to say something. As for the
remaining part of class, I will try to improve my thesis (argument), the structure of my essay,
and to proofread my work before submitting it. With these, as my new goals, I hope not only
improve my writing, but achieve my goal by passing this class. At this point I feel I have not
succeeded or been successful in my approaches. If I strive this second part of class, and achieve
my goals, I should pass the class. By doing so, that will be my success! Mrs. Cline,you offer great challenges, and new approaches to such a general study. Thank you.


Sheri M. Simmons

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