Saturday, March 9, 2013

Dear Mrs. Cline

Letter Writing

Dear Mrs.. Cline,
             English 102 has been an eye-opener. Many challenges have come my way through these
past writing assignments. One major obstacle (I still need to overcome), is writing an argument. I
seem to convert back to my comfort zone, which is summarizing. The reading material's you have
chosen have been extremely interesting. I was unaware of satire articles, until I took this class.
Analysis is very different from biographies, summaries, and fictional writing assignments that I am
use to. This has opened my eyes to a new writing technique. At time's, I find it frustrating . It is
hard to redirect, what I consider, my normal style of writing. The papers I tend to write is based
on fact,and not so much on opinion. Analysis seems to be just that. It is an argument, which is
based from one's opinion.  I feel I have made it this far. That has to say something. As for the
remaining part of class, I will try to improve my thesis (argument), the structure of my essay,
and to proofread my work before submitting it. With these, as my new goals, I hope not only
improve my writing, but achieve my goal by passing this class. At this point I feel I have not
succeeded or been successful in my approaches. If I strive this second part of class, and achieve
my goals, I should pass the class. By doing so, that will be my success! Mrs. Cline,you offer great challenges, and new approaches to such a general study. Thank you.


Sheri M. Simmons

Photo Reference:


  1. Hi Sheri,
    It is funny that you call this class a general study since it seems like a final class for an English major to me! I feel like my mind is all thumbs when it comes to literary analysis, but I agree with you that Laura has offered us some great challenges, and her style of teaching has kept me going.

  2. It's nice to hear that this class is giving you a new addition to your writing repertoire. I can understand your frustration. The more I look back on my years of grade and high school, the more I notice that the English papers I wrote during those years were instructed specifically not to have my opinion. Mostly I was being taught the basics of writing. It wasn't until college that i have been challenged to express my opinion in papers and back that opinion. It sounds like you are experiencing the same thing. Best of luck with the rest of the class. :)

  3. Sheri,
    I believe we all have struggle with this class at one point or another. One of my biggest struggles was getting used to blogging every assingment. I also have an issue with proofreading my assignments before turning them in, an issue that has cost me some points. I have decided to have other people read my work before submiting. A fresh pair of eyes never hurt, I advice you to do the same. Good Luck!
