Thursday, May 2, 2013

Skills and Obstacles

 In this class I have learned many skills. Writing a thesis was by far the
hardest thing to learn. Properly citing was another obstacle I am still learning. 
These two skills, I am sure I will be using in future classes. Especially citations,
and preventing plagiarism. Along with skills came interesting reading material.
I have never read these types of literary material. It was an eye opener to say the 

least. Even though these books were interesting, and different, a sense of 
frustration overwhelmed more often than not.  My overall outcomes for the class 
have been less than satisfactory. I guess my self perception looks brighter than
others at times. I learned to take it with a grain of salt. I felt my structure of 
my work improved a little, the detail of my writing was there. I offered 
color to my writing. Or at least I felt that I did. Essay two I took my time,
 days in fact, and the improvements such as structure and my thesis. My grade 
said otherwise. Even towards the end, I have made many strides, I felt I have 
overcome allot of the obstacles presented, and in truth still learning how to cite properly,but with that I have grown from this class. My grades have shown no improvement, and most likely I will be able to have the privilege of reliving this 
enchanting class once again. I want to thank my peers for their constructive 
criticism. I wish you all the luck!


Picture Reference:


  1. I think that writing a thesis will always be hard. Seems like it is the hardest thing that holds you back in order to actually start in a paper. I most admit it was a pretty though class so don't feel too bum in retaking it all over again if there is something you are privilege is that you know have an idea of English 102.Good Luck!

  2. I feel your pain. This is my third attempt at English 102 and hopefully I will finally pull through. I also felt that Essay #2 was graded rather toughly. Although I spent a lot of time on it, I did not get the grade that I wanted. Citing is definitely a skill that will come in handy, not only in English class, but every class that you have to write papers for. Good Luck!

  3. Although this was a tough class, I think it was the instructor that made it tough, which is a good thing. Taking this class over is not a bad thing, you are prepared for what you are in store for now. You will probably ace it next time! I feel the essays were graded a little on the overcritical side since we are not all made out to be writers, but that is how a person learns. God luck in all of your future endeavors!

  4. You have said well what I have also felt and that my grade does not reflect what I have experiences and gotten out of the class. I have gotten an A's worth of experience in this class and this experience will inform a great deal of what I do in the future both in my writing and in my critical process. My technical ability in the class has not been so good but I am very proud of what I have accomplished.

  5. I didn't do as well as i was hoping in this class either so I feel your pain. As long as you continue to improve, if you have to re-take the class, you will be ready this time. Good luck with your future english class and keep your head up! =)
