Sunday, March 31, 2013

Summarizing "White Noise"

Don DeLillo the author of, “White Noise” writes a contemporary American fiction,which
 focuses on the life of Jack Gladney. Jack is a professor of Hitler studies at a liberal arts
 college in Middle America. Gladney and his colleagues which include; New York expatriates,
 immerse themselves in “American magic and dread.” Beside his professional aspect of life,
 Jack shares his life with his fourth wife,Babbette, and their four children from previous marriages.
 Jack and Babbette are bound by their passion and love for one another, also as sharing the 
fear of death. This modern day family goes through a rocky life,with common babbling of 
brand-name consumerism. Later a black toxic cloud floats over their lives, which was caused
 by an industrial accident. “White Noise” is resembled by the menacing cloud swallowing 
the Gladney family. This cloud merges into transmissions, sirens, microwaves, and ultrasound 
appliances holding life, and the danger of death.Tom Leclair, a teacher at the University of
Cincinnati and the author of, “ In the Loop and the Art of Excess,” paints a better perspective
 of, “White Noise.” Leclair describes the title of “White Noise,” as “air travel,” (388).
 He continues by summarizing the story. This tale is based on “a middle-aged father who 
seeks refuge from the largeness of things- the complexities of information and communication
 that surrounds him-- in marriage and children” (388). Leclair explains that consumerism and 
idolize and symbolizes by the supermarket. He continues, by explaining the toxic cloud that 
devours the Gladney family. After jack Gladney is exposed to the toxic cloud, he later goes
 to the town of Iron. Leclair says, “ second half he returns to Iron city in quest of a drug that 
would let him evade his fear of death” (390). This sentences in detail states that Jack is trying
to put off death. The fear is that strong where he would leave Blacksmith only to find a cure
 for his exposure. This deepen American tragedy is expressed heart felt both by Don DeLillo 
and Tom Leclair summarized criticism. 

References: Don DeLillo, author of "White Noise" Page, 389. Tom LeClair author of, " Closing the Loop: White Noise.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"White Noise" ~ Don DonLillo


Don DeLillo, the author of, "White Noise" has amazing detail in the picture he paint's. 
This poem that I have written, is a reflection of his love, passion, and concern for death.
This has been my first attempt to write a poem. 

  Although I am not a fan of poetry, I can appreciate the heart felt meaning and creativity behind it.   Hope you enjoy this piece. 

I am cloaked in full whiteness.
I am in comfort;I am in peace.
Unwrap me from this white linen shroud, and clothe me with leaves of jasmine and lilies.
Place me in your loving arms... a thought crosses me...
Who will die first?

It reaches out to us with open arms.
A silent friend whispering in the wind trying to embrace us.
Who will die first?

I can hear naught but the music of eternity.
So talk not of my departure with sadness in your heart,
for love was our bond.

Who will die first...  Who will die first?

 I will...

Picture Reference:
This picture reminded me of white noise. So much beauty around him. Love, and passion for
life and his family. Also it symbolizes a fair-well gift after death.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Dear Mrs. Cline

Letter Writing

Dear Mrs.. Cline,
             English 102 has been an eye-opener. Many challenges have come my way through these
past writing assignments. One major obstacle (I still need to overcome), is writing an argument. I
seem to convert back to my comfort zone, which is summarizing. The reading material's you have
chosen have been extremely interesting. I was unaware of satire articles, until I took this class.
Analysis is very different from biographies, summaries, and fictional writing assignments that I am
use to. This has opened my eyes to a new writing technique. At time's, I find it frustrating . It is
hard to redirect, what I consider, my normal style of writing. The papers I tend to write is based
on fact,and not so much on opinion. Analysis seems to be just that. It is an argument, which is
based from one's opinion.  I feel I have made it this far. That has to say something. As for the
remaining part of class, I will try to improve my thesis (argument), the structure of my essay,
and to proofread my work before submitting it. With these, as my new goals, I hope not only
improve my writing, but achieve my goal by passing this class. At this point I feel I have not
succeeded or been successful in my approaches. If I strive this second part of class, and achieve
my goals, I should pass the class. By doing so, that will be my success! Mrs. Cline,you offer great challenges, and new approaches to such a general study. Thank you.


Sheri M. Simmons

Photo Reference:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Johnathan Swift "Modest Proposal"


                                                      Johnathon Swift "A Modest Proposal"


                        Jonhathon Swift paints a gloomy picture with his opening line.

It is a melancholy object to those who walk through this great town or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads, and cabin doors, crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags. Paragraph 1" This brief introduction to the present problem tells us female beggars and unfortunetely children overwhelm the streets. Pleading for substances for their food and drink, as well as financial means. Ultimately a nuisanse to their community. The author proposed a solution to the less fortunete poverty class and their infants. He encouraged that children of age (one year or less) make a mighty fine meal. Of the hundred twenty thousand poverty children, some can be used for breeding purposes. One male per every four females. These infants will then in turn be sold for shillings. As mentioned in his own words, " I have reckoned upon a medium that a child just born will weigh 12 pounds, and in a solar year, if tolerably nursed, increaseth to 28 pounds. Pargraph 10. (Picture above as a reference)" The author than continued by mentioning the infant will make not one, but four fullfilling meals. Especially when entertaining the friends.
                    At the end of his article it was certain that he was a satirist. His words were of humor and over dramatizing this situation. This showed his comical humor based on other peoples irrational suggestions to such bad situation. As he mentioned, "I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavoring to promote this necessary work. Last paragraph." In the most common logic of this story, there is no true logic to Johnathon Swift's proposal. He has placed such a horrific humerous image as a solution to a sad situation, only to make fun of other irrational behaviors and answers to others less fortunate livelyhood. It was making fun of others who go to the extreme of something they are unfamiliar with. he did this in a comical yet insightful way.

                                                                                                                                            ,i:103&iact=rc&dur=923&sig=117858682886853433883&page=1&tbnh=200&tbnw=153&start=0&ndsp=20&tx=39&ty=122 Picture Reference: