Sunday, January 20, 2013

Nabokov "Good Readers and Good Writers"

                                                       Vladimir Nabokov 
                                         Good Readers and Good Writers

                Nabokov, Vladimir had such an in depth perception of what makes people good readers,
 and good writers. His creative sense and choice of words, "Every great writer, is a great deceiver" has such meaning and a new outlook, that it would make the reader stop in his tracks. Nabokov continues by stating, "The writer of fiction only follows nature's lead." His insinuation of telling us that it is only humans nature to fabricate, lie, deceive and dream horrific notions that paint such a beautiful picture, makes a colorful and meaningful story that touches everyone person differently. This plays off of peoples simplest of motions, as Nabokov as mentioned, through his categorized view (comparatively lowly writing). His helpful hints, he continues by stating, what makes good writers, such as: Having an artistic view, being imaginative, detail oriented by playing off of our senses (color, smells, space, and time etc..) engaging from social economic angle, which will play off of peoples better nature. All these small key factors will only enhance our story and keep the readers attention and their minds wondering to know end.
               Another point that Nabokov stressed in the beginning of his article, was that broad assumption and generalizations in the beginning of a story makes for boring fairy tale.A new outlook with no assumptions, or generalizations open new thoughts, ideas, and encourages the mind to imagine how the reader could perceive a new world. His bold word "Unfair" truly shows how strongly he feels about assuming that we already know something about an unknown place. His feelings came out even more when he calls fictional Authors as "True scholars!"
             To say that I agree with his views,insight-fulness, and theories of what makes a "Good reader and Good Writer" would be a true under statement in my opinion. His point of view can truly bring out peoples inner thoughts and feelings that may even shock the reader. Many successful published authors and future authors can truly learn from this individual/poet's outlook on what makes a true writer as well as a scholar!
             I was impressed and engaged with the article that was presented. I hope to put some of his suggestions and creative ides to the test with some of the writing assignments in this class.

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