Sunday, January 27, 2013

Summary vs. Analysis

                                      Summary vs. Analysis 
                 There are different approaches people can take when writing

        literary documents. Two ways can be,  Abstract (Summary) or an Editorial 

       (Analysis).  These two can often be mistaken as similar writing techniques. 

       Although, they are based off of a summary, these writing styles are very different in 

       many ways.

                          A Summary also known as an abstract, is a brief review of text.

       This style of writing is briefly retelling a story and assuming readers are familiar 

       with the tale. Summaries are a great way to succinctly communicate information

       to others whether it is a simple message to a power-point presentation. 

                         Analysis also known as an Editorial, is based off of ones interpretation

       of a story. This approach is to take the smaller pieces of the story and  turn it into 

       argument. Analytical papers usual start from an original opinion, and engages the 

       readers. This editorial would be carefully crafted and properly thought out argument.  

      Analysis are focused on expression. 

                         In conclusion, two writing styles that can be based on the same 
     storyline  are two  very different writing techniques. Summary focuses on the a brief 

     statement of the  situation at hand. Analysis focuses on a person perception of the  

     story. In order to write analysis paper, you must be open minded and base your 

     opinion with fact to prove your point of view. 





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